Constant fatigue – causes and remedies

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Exhaustion can have many causes and is often a sign from the body to gear down. However, caution is advised when a temporary state of tiredness becomes a constant fatigue that follows you wherever you go. Chronic fatigue can sometimes be remedied by simple changes in your daily routine. We will get to the bottom of the causes and show you solutions that can be implemented without much effort. This is how you can combat constant fatigue and soon feel full of energy again.

  1. Too little exercise – constant fatigue is bound to occur
  2. Avoid permanent stress
  3. Rule out physical illnesses
  4. Constant fatigue – the wrong sleeping patterns

Too little exercise – constant fatigue is bound to occur

It may not seem obvious at first glance: If you relax on the couch at home, you should actually keep your energy up, right? But the opposite is true: the less we move, the more listless we become. If the circulation and blood flow are not stimulated, eventually the entire metabolism is shut down and constant fatigue is the result. This can easily become a vicious circle, because how are you supposed to get up to exercise if you already feel exhausted to begin with? It is important to motivate yourself to exercise regularly. A daily walk in the fresh air can be a good start to a more active lifestyle. Even if you leave the lift behind and take the stairs instead, you have already taken the first step towards a higher energy level. Even if it is hard at first, you will see how more exercise in your everyday life makes you feel much more energetic after just a few weeks. Then, even a bike ride or jogging will seem doable again. Important: If you exercise a lot, make sure you drink enough. Dehydration is another cause of constant fatigue.

Avoid permanent stress

Dauerstress vermeidenIn our hectic everyday lives, stress is often unavoidable. But while most of us can handle a few stressful moments in the short term, stress can quickly become a problem. Namely, when it gets out of hand and you are permanently confronted with an increased number of stress factors. This leads to your body releasing more adrenaline to cope with the stress. The stress hormone uses the sugar stores in your body to provide you with the energy you need. But if you are constantly stressed, these stores will eventually be empty - and you will feel burnt out and exhausted. To fight constant fatigue and create more balance in your life, you should schedule more time for things that balance you out when you are chronically stressed. Meditation, relaxing baths or a cosy movie night are all good ideas to help you switch off and calm down after a stressful day. You can also help with your bedclothes: Perhaps a relaxing therapy blanket is an option for you?

Rule out physical illnesses

There may be physical causes behind constant fatigue that you may not even know about. Iron deficiency, for example, is more widespread among women than one might think and, in addition to an increased susceptibility to infections, results in a constant feeling of fatigue. If this could apply to you, you should include more iron-rich foods in your diet. Besides meat and whole grains, vegetables, nuts and seeds are among the biggest sources of iron. If you feel permanently fatigued, the thyroid gland is also a common culprit. If you suffer from a malfunction, not enough or too many hormones are released and they can no longer regulate the metabolism properly. The lack of energy is inevitable in both conditions, because while an underactive gland leads to a weak pulse, an overactive gland uses up an unnecessary amount of oxygen, which also exhausts the body. An undiagnosed diabetes or untreated depression are also sometimes the cause of constant fatigue. But before you unnecessarily drive yourself crazy, it is best to make an appointment with your doctor. They can determine whether there is a disease behind your symptoms of fatigue.

Constant fatigue – the wrong sleeping patterns

Of course, when you are constantly tired, sleep problems are not the last thing that comes to mind. If you tend to go to bed too late or have to get up very early in the morning, it can be difficult to get enough sleep. But getting enough sleep is a prerequisite for feeling energetic during the day. Lack of sleep not only stresses your body, but also makes it difficult for you to cope with your daily life because of consequences such as concentration problems. Our sleep needs vary depending on the age and stage of life, but a good rule of thumb is to get seven to eight hours of sleep per night. A set sleep routine can work wonders against sleep deprivation, because by maintaining a consistent rhythm, you help your body get in the mood for a good night's rest. If you are more relaxed, you have fewer problems falling asleep and can easily meet your sleep needs. Trouble sleeping through the night is another reason why sleep deprivation can occur, even if you keep a regular bedtime. This can be due to stress and mental strain, but an often underestimated cause is also the wrong bed system. Restful sleep can only be achieved if you adjust your mattress and slat base to your individual comfort needs. You will see that the right mattress makes a huge difference in the quality of your sleep. That is why you should invest in a high-quality model that supports your body during your night's rest with optimal lying comfort. We have summarised how to find the right model for you here. Then, hopefully the constant fatigue will soon be a thing of the past and restful sleep will come naturally! Das falsche Schlafverhalten  

Photo credits:

Samson Katt /
Valeria Ushakova /

Categories: Sleep Life Balance