Falling asleep quickly? Our best tips

Many people who have experienced sleep difficulties dream of falling asleep quickly. After all, we all need sleep to recover and be fit for the challenges of our daily lives. Therefore, it can be understandably frustrating if falling asleep becomes a daily difficulty. But do not worry: Here are our most effective tips to help you fall asleep quickly from now on.
- Avoid stress
- Falling asleep quickly thanks to Digital Detox
- Calming movements
- Falling asleep quickly thanks to healing herbs
- Creating a relaxing soundscape
- Pay attention to the right sleeping climate
Avoid stress
Stress is one of the most common enemies of falling asleep quickly and sleeping peacefully through the night. Usually, it takes about 15 minutes for our bodies to drift into sleep after going to bed. However, if you have been dealing with a lot of stressful situations during the day, the stress can keep you awake for much longer. In order to fall asleep quickly, you should avoid stress as much as possible. Of course, this is easier said than done, but even small changes in your daily routine can often help you to avoid hectic situations. Effective time management does not require as much planning as we often think. Sometimes just getting up ten minutes earlier is enough to enjoy a more relaxed morning. In addition, effective morning rituals can help you start the day with mindfulness and high energy levels, so you are better equipped to deal with stress during the day.
Falling asleep quickly thanks to Digital Detox
In order to fall asleep quickly in the future, you should take a closer look at your sleeping habits. In a world where constant availability has become the number one priority, it can sometimes be hard to put the smartphone aside. It is understandable that you do not want to miss anything, and especially in times of social distancing, digital devices are often the only way to get in touch with your loved ones. But if you want to fall asleep quickly, it is better to limit your screen time to the early evening hours. The blue light of the display disturbs our internal clock and confuses our melatonin production. Without an adequate level of this sleep hormone, it is much harder for us to fall asleep, which is why you should spend as little time as possible on your smartphone, tablet or computer right before bedtime. The easiest way to achieve a Digital Detox is to consequently ban your smartphone from the bedroom. But if that seems too extreme, you can also set an alarm and put your smartphone aside when it goes off. Extra tip: If you want to eliminate the temptation to surf Instagram or send a WhatsApp message later, it is best to turn off your smartphone completely.
Calming movements
While a sweaty workout before bed might stimulate you even more, gentle exercise like yoga or Pilates are an effective tip to help your body calm down. Thanks to the calming yoga poses, you will be able to fall asleep quickly later on, and you are even likely to experience deeper and more relaxed sleep. An effective yoga practice provides relaxation and mindfulness, which also helps your mind to calm down. In addition to the correct execution of the exercises, be sure to be aware of your breath. Concentrating on your breathing allows you to quickly slip into a state of deep relaxation and inner balance. After some bedtime yoga you will surely enter the world of dreams more quickly.
Falling asleep quickly thanks to healing herbs
Certain herbs can help you to fall asleep quickly. For hundreds of years, people have been using the healing powers of plants to help them relax. Take advantage of the calming effects of lavender, lemon balm or passion flowers by drinking a herbal tea before bed. Relaxing rituals like these will improve your sleep hygiene. Best of all, you do not have to worry about side effects with these herbal sleep aids. If, in addition to insomnia, you also suffer from concentration problems and general nervousness, valerian is particularly recommended. This potent herb is not only available as a tea, but also in the form of pills or drops. Why not try it out and see for yourself how healing herbs can help you fall asleep more quickly.
Creating a relaxing soundscape
To fall asleep quickly, you need to feel comfortable and be able to let go of stress and worries. Too much noise, on the other hand, keeps us awake because it is very disturbing and unpleasant. Just think of how difficult it would be for you to fall asleep if, for example, your neighbors were arguing loudly, or your bed partner was snoring incessantly. We need silence to fall asleep faster and to sleep through the night. However, there is one exception: our brain does not perceive soothing music as noise. The pleasant sounds lull us into a deeper and more relaxed sleep. Sounds from nature such as the sound of waves or birds chirping also put us into a state of relaxation that makes it easier for us to fall asleep. Just try It out and find the music that helps you fall asleep. Then you can put together your own sleep playlist!
Pay attention to the right sleeping climate
Another tip for falling asleep quickly is to maintain a healthy sleep climate. When we have trouble sleeping, we often focus on our inner thoughts, but our environment has an equally important influence on the quality of our sleep. You probably already know that you sleep worse on freezing winter nights or burning hot summer nights. A sleeping temperature between 16 and 20°C is ideal. In addition to proper ventilation, you can also ensure that your sleeping environment supports a restful night's sleep by choosing the right bedding. Bedding made of climate fiber, for example, is known for its moisture-regulating potential and improves your sleeping climate thanks to its breathability. Your mattress should also draw heat and moisture away from your body and provide good air circulation. Our versa 20 GELTEX® mattress, for example, is designed for optimal breathability thanks to ventilation channels in the core and ensures a comfortable sleeping temperature. That way, you will not have to wait long for a good night's sleep. Pick your favorites to help you fall asleep quickly in the future and enjoy a more relaxed night's sleep.
Photo credits:
Andrea Piacquadio / pexels.com
Tracy Le Blanc / pexels.com
Karolina Grabowska / pexels.com
Alleksana / pexels.com