Our ideas against boredom – Activities to do at home

ideas against boredom
13. May 2020

At the moment, creative ideas against boredom are in demand, because everyday life is not what it used to be. Friends can no longer come over for game night, the concert is cancelled and the family reunion at the weekend must be postponed. Boredom sets in because we hardly see anything else except our own four walls. Extensive cuddling in bed is nice, of course, and there is nothing wrong with a series marathon every now and then. But in the long run we need some other ideas against boredom to help make the most of our time at home!

  1. Rediscover your lost creativity
  2. From tragedy to blooming life – do something good for your plants!
  3. Have a clean-out and make room for something new
  4. Ideas against boredom – Polish up your language skills!
  5. Conclusion

Rediscover your lost creativity

Upcycling idea As a child, we could spend hours and hours painting pictures, making our own creations and just letting our creativity run wild. When did we forget to be creative? Don’t worry: you certainly have not forgotten anything. But maybe creativity has been suppressed a bit because there is little time for it in our stressful everyday life. Now is the best time to revive your creativity! You don't have to dig out the handicraft book from your kindergarten days or the old colouring pictures to find ideas against boredom. How about a nice DIY project for the apartment? Upcycling is fully in trend at the moment! You convert old objects that you no longer use and give them a second life with a new function. You could easily start by collecting old tin cans. Clean them thoroughly and leave them to dry. Then you can spray paint them, paint them by hand or decorate them in other ways, for example with ribbons or washi tape. Et voilà, your homemade flower pot is ready and will brighten up your living room and home office. Due to its size it is especially suitable for small cuttings or young plants.

From tragedy to blooming life – do something good for your plants!

Speaking of plants: Now that you spend a lot of time at home, it would be a good idea against boredom to take care of your green friends at home. You don't have a green thumb? That is no longer an excuse, because things can always change. So grab a book or browse the internet to find out what kind of nutrients your houseplants need and how to take care of them properly. Of course, you can also expand your repertoire of plants. If you have a balcony or garden, for example, you can grow your own vegetables. But pay attention to the sowing times. Not only do plants create a cosy atmosphere in your home, but they are also natural air filters. They filter pollutants from the air and contribute to a better indoor climate so that you can breathe easily. Plants that produce oxygen at night, such as aloe vera, are particularly suitable for your bedroom. urban jungle

Have a clean-out and make room for something new

clean outThe classic idea against boredom: Turning the home upside down and cleaning it up. Admittedly, not everyone jumps up and down at the idea of swinging a feather duster. But the pleasant feeling afterwards is definitely worth the effort. In a clean and tidy apartment, time can be spent much more pleasantly. You will see that once you've started, it's not too bad and you might even enjoy cleaning. For especially unpleasant tasks you can set an alarm clock.


Subconsciously, you will classify the task as less daunting because there is a clearly defined period of time and the end becomes more tangible. Before you start to clean up all corners at once and turn every room upside down, concentrate on one room first. That way, you can see what you have already achieved at the end of the day and won't sink into chaos. Your motivation to tackle the other rooms remains unchanged. Listen to an audio book or a podcast and you will see that time flies. At the end of the day it's twice as much fun to put your feet up when the mountains of laundry are not piling up everywhere and order finally prevails.

Ideas against boredom – Polish up your language skills!

Even though the next holiday has to wait for a little while, preparation is everything. Why not use the free time to polish up the dusty language skills from school? Improving your language skills shouldn't be missing from your list of ideas against boredom. Nowadays, there are enough apps that can help you, some of them are even free or charge a very small amount. This way you get everything at a glance: Vocabulary, grammar rules and your learning progress. Of course, you can also learn a completely new language and discover a new culture. Buy an illustrated book or a travel guide where you can browse a bit and dream of faraway places. learn a new language

The anticipation of the next trip and the knowledge that you can actually talk to the locals about their country instead of just thanking the waiter in the local language is a great motivation, isn't it? Don't be afraid of making mistakes, because you learn from mistakes. Language practice is the best exercise.


Even though we've come up with a few ideas against boredom: Being bored isn’t always a bad thing – rather the opposite, in fact! Many people become creative out of necessity, so boredom can even be beneficial in this case. If you are bored, all possibilities are open to you and you might come up with some creative ideas for new hobbies. Besides, you finally have time to focus on yourself and do exactly what you want.

Categories: Sleep Life Balance