How to sleep through the night

sleep through the night
13. May 2022

Sleeping through the night represents the ultimate standard of healthy sleep. If we slumber peacefully through the night, we feel great the next morning. The opposite is the case if we keep waking up and spend most of the night awake: We feel weak, tired, worn, and lacking in energy. Get inspired by our tips for a restful night's sleep to help you sleep through the night – and regain energy to enjoy your life to the fullest.

Is it normal to not be able to sleep through the night?

sleep through the nightDo you know the feeling of not being able to sleep through the night? When you lie awake for a long time while your mind is spinning, sleep becomes a nerve-wracking test of patience. The next morning, the world usually doesn't look much better. The reason: if you haven't gotten enough sleep, it's usually hard to concentrate and you're more likely to be irritable or in a bad mood. When it's finally time to go to bed again, the cycle repeats itself and sleeping through the night doesn't work this time either. You start to worry because restful sleep is essential for good health. So why do you keep waking up from your sleep?

First of all, it's reassuring to know that no human being sleeps like the proverbial rock at night. Instead, we slip into light sleep many times throughout the night and wake up for short periods of time. After a few seconds, however, we're usually asleep again. That is why we cannot consciously remember the brief periods of being awake the following day. So, without knowing it, you're already a pro at falling back asleep. This ability was probably evolutionarily important: waking up at night allowed us to make sure that we were not exposed to any threat and that we were warm and safe in our sleeping place. However, if a period of wakefulness lasts for a long time, you become aware that you have woken up – and the next morning you will talk about not being able to sleep through the night.

Reasons for why you're not sleeping through the night

If you can't sleep through the night, there could be several reasons that explain the issue: an improper sleep routine, medication, alcohol consumption, physical causes such as respiratory disorders or thyroid disease, as well as anxiety disorders or depression. Therefore, it is important to listen to your body and mind. Identify possible factors that may be getting in the way of a restful night's sleep for you personally. If you can rule out a physical or mental illness, the reason is probably because you can't wind down at night and get a good night's rest.

waking up at night
In our meritocracy, many of us don't get any rest during the day. We are always under tension and take this feeling home with us in the evening. When body and soul are stressed, sleeping through the night becomes a challenge. Stress and restful sleep simply don't go together. What can you do to avoid constantly waking up at night?

Tips to better sleep through the night

Don't worry, you don't have to simply accept your problems of sleeping through the night. There are several tips that can help you relax better at night and experience calmer nights. Try different tips to find the best rituals and routines for you.

1. Find your sleep rhythm

Have you ever heard of different sleep types? Morning larks get tired early in the evening and get up with the sun in the morning, while night owls like to turn night into day and have a hard time getting up in the morning. Finding out your sleep rhythm and preferred sleep duration allows you to go to sleep when your body is actually tired, which in turn helps you sleep through the night.

2. Prepare your body for sleep

Do you have regular wake-up and bedtime routines? Our body loves a fixed sleep routine because it allows it to prepare for a good night's rest. Therefore, plan to go to bed at the same time every night if possible – even on weekends – and allow yourself a short relaxation period before sleeping so that your body can wind down.

3. Avoid factors that promote restless sleep

If you want to sleep through the night, avoid alcohol and caffeine in the evening. Both promote superficial, restless sleep and work against a restful night's sleep. A late dinner will also make it difficult for you to relax at night. If your body has to ramp up your metabolism to digest heavy foods during the night, you may wake up more often.

4. Drink less fluids before bedtime

How often has it happened to you that you had to leave your cozy bed at night to go to the bathroom and then couldn't fall back asleep afterwards? If you drink copious amounts too close to bedtime, your bladder won't last until the next morning. If possible, you should take your nightcap two hours before bedtime if you want to sleep through the night.

5. Ensure a relaxing sheep environmentrelaxing

Is the sleep temperature comfortable for you or do you need to cool down your bedroom by airing it out? Are there electrical appliances whose bright lights distract you? Or do your thoughts keep drifting to the pile of clothes on the armchair that you meant to clean up? A relaxing and quiet sleep environment is important so that not only your body but also your mind can come to rest. Therefore, take a few minutes in the evening to ensure a tidy environment.

6. Acceptance instead of pressure

Pressure is known to create counterpressure. If you keep staring at the clock and getting upset that you've woken up at night again, you're getting in your own way. A tense attitude will only worsen your problems with sleeping through the night – it's better to accept your situation and not torture yourself by constantly looking at the alarm clock.

7. Elevate your sleeping comfort

Your bed should be a place of deep relaxation that you use exclusively for rest. Therefore, it is important to adjust your bed to your sleeping needs. If you spend your nights on a sagging mattress, it's not surprising that the back pain or tension that occurs as a result will pull you out of sleep at night. Give yourself the sleep luxury you deserve with a high-quality mattress and matching slat base. You will see: In an optimal sleeping position, you will feel completely comfortable and relaxed – oftentimes, sleeping through the night will then happen automatically.

We hope some of these tips will help you sleep through the night in the future so you can start the day refreshed!

Photo credits:

Yan Krukov /
Anthony Tran /
Ben Blennerhassett /
Pavel Danilyuk /

Categories: Good Night