Time for two - How to survive it harmoniously

Time for two - Holding hands
25. June 2020

Time for two, it can be so beautiful - if you spend it together voluntarily. But what happens when we are supposed to stay at home for weeks, have to keep social contacts to a minimum and the workplace is suddenly set up in the living room? Constant closeness does not automatically bring couples closer together. For many, the last few weeks have become a trial for their relationship. We'll tell you how you can survive the time together harmoniously and look forward to the future as a couple.

A time of uncertainty

Working in the home office and restrictions in public life meant that we spent a lot of time at home and maintained social contacts more virtually during the past weeks. Even now, togetherness is Hourglassdifferent than before. But it's not only a big change for everyday life, the current situation is not easy for our psyche either. The uncertainty makes one nervous and doubts arise. When can I see my friends and family again without a guilty conscience? How will our life continue to change? Especially in such an exceptional situation it is more important than ever to show understanding for your partner. If your partner reacts more sensitively to certain situations, it may also be due to a generally tense mood. Your time as a couple is put to the test. Therefore, it is even more important to talk about your feelings in order to avoid misunderstandings and prevent them from arising in the first place.

Create a private retreat

Suddenly the two of you are at home and see each other all the time. Even if the need for more closeness is an often-mentioned reason for moving in together - 24/7 "squatting on top of each other" is too much of a good thing. Especially when appointments with friends are cancelled and your hobbies can no longer be pursued or only to a limited extent, you can quickly feel constricted within your own four walls. To counteract this, you should create places of private retreat. While one person makes himself comfortable in the living room, the other person can go to the guest room or bedroom and spend time on his own: Take a relaxing bath, talk to friends or family on the phone or do a home workout as a balance to all the sitting in the home office. Whatever you spend your me-time doing, you shouldn't have to justify yourself. The desire for freedom and time for yourself is quite natural and does not mean that your relationship does not work. Through a conscious spatial separation and the definition of places of retreat, both can be alone for a while - and afterwards look forward to being together again.

Spend your time for two consciously

However, taking time as a couple is just as important as freedom in a relationship. Even though you are forced to spend a lot of time together, you are unlikely to be in a romantic mood. Your thoughts are more likely to revolve around work, the household and the current situation. Time for two - Playing boardgames

So "date" each other and deliberately spend time together! You can spend a romantic evening in your own four walls as well. Cook something together, play a game or watch a new series together - there are no limits to your creativity. The only important thing is that you consciously perceive this time and don't let yourself be distracted by household chores or mobile phones.

See the crisis as an opportunity

The time at home can also have something positive! Use the extra time to finally tackle the projects that would otherwise get lost in everyday stress: Painting the hall, cleaning out the closet or redesigning the balcony. Turn your own four walls into a cosy oasis of peace, where you enjoy spending time for two and where both of you feel comfortable - joint activities bond together.Couple is holding hands

Those newly in love can now get to know each other properly and test out living together. But also couples who have been together for years have the chance to devote more time to each other again. Perhaps you will get to know a new side of your partner. Mastering this unusual, uncertain time together can definitely strengthen your relationship and make you crisis-proof for the future.


As so often in relationships, communication is the be-all and end-all. Talk to your partner about what is bothering you. Let him or her know if you need time for yourself and be understanding towards your sweetheart if he or she needs some me-time. With clear rules for the organization of your everyday life and time periods that are only meant for the two of you, you will survive the time for two harmoniously and can come closer to each other.

Categories: Sleep Life Balance