Goodbye, Spring Fatigue: Tips against Spring Lethargy

The days are starting to get longer again, the sun is making more of an appearance. You would think that your mood and state of mind would be at its best, now that it’s spring. However, especially on the first warm days of spring, we often feel too tired and weak to actively do anything. Find out what causes spring fatigue and what you can do about it.
Always tired? The causes for springtime fatigue
Are you constantly tired and lacking in energy in spring despite the emering summer feelings? That sounds like typical spring fatigue. We've taken a closer look and found out for you what's behind this spring lethargy. For a long time, it was assumed that it was due to a lack of vitamin intake over the winter. But now we know that the imbalance between the two hormones melatonin and serotonin is the cause of this lethargy. Melatonin is the "sleep hormone" and serotonin is the so-called "happiness hormone". The hormone serotonin is more abundantly produced with increasing light intensity and melatonin, which is only released in the dark, is produced less. As the days get longer again in spring, the body releases more serotonin. In this transition phase, i.e. the phase in which the body slowly produces more serotonin and less melatonin, the hormone levels have to readjust.
Another reason for being tired is the change from colder to warmer temperatures, from winter to spring. The body undergoes a change and reacts to this by dilating the blood vessels and lowering blood pressure. This process makes us fatigued and can sometimes lead to a feeling of dizziness. The body needs a few days to get used to the weather. This can take two to four weeks. Once the process is complete, everything should go back to normal, and you can start your summer happy and full of energy. In addition to circulatory problems, headaches or irritability can also be symptoms of spring fatigue.
What to do if the spring fatigue lasts
If your spring fatigue lasts for more than a few weeks, it could also have another background. You should then see a doctor. If the tiredness is caused by a sleep disorder, for example, this should be specifically addressed. For instance, you can go to a sleep lab to have your sleep examined. In the sleep laboratory, bodily functions such as brain waves, breathing, movements, and heart activity are checked.
However, fatigue can also be a sign of certain illnesses, depression, or chronic fatigue syndrome. In any case, you should have this checked out by a doctor.
5 tips for a fit start into spring
With the following 5 tips you can fight your spring fatigue and start the day with more energy.
1. Get some fresh air
Fresh air in the morning drives away sorrow and worries. After getting up, open all the windows and let some fresh spring air into the room. Feel free to open the doors in your flat to allow the air to circulate. The oxygen drives away any lethargy and the first rays of sunshine will put you in a good mood. As already mentioned, bright light reduces the production of melatonin and increases the production of the "happiness hormone" serotonin. Thus, a few rays of sunshine in the morning will improve your mood and increase your motivation.
2. Hot and cold showers for the blood circulation
Hot and cold showers are ideal for getting the blood circulation going in the morning. The change in temperature causes the blood vessels to alternately dilate and constrict. This process has various effects on your body. Hot and cold showers have a positive effect on the immune system, metabolism, circulation, heart, heat regulation and also on your mood. They are therefore very healthy and help you get a fresh start into the day. Start with a pleasantly warm to hot shower. Then comes the uncomfortable part, where you have to force yourself a bit: you turn the water to a cooler or cold setting and start rinsing your legs. Then it is your upper body's turn. Repeat this process a second time and you are ready for a fresh start into the day – spring fatigue won’t stand a chance. Our tip: If showering early in the morning is too much of a nuisance, you can try a cooling face mask or eye pads. They do not have exactly the same effect as a cold shower but can still help morning grouches get a fresh start into the day.
3. A healthy breakfast for an ideal start into the day
There's a reason why breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day. You should therefore make enough time for it in the morning – regardless of whether it's winter, spring or the any other time of the year. If you skip breakfast, your metabolism will drop and your brain, muscles, and organs will lack the energy to work efficiently. Try to eat something no later than two to three hours after getting up. The basis for a balanced breakfast is carbohydrates. Fruits and wholemeal or multigrain bread, for example, are suitable here. To stay full until lunch, your breakfast plan should also include enough protein. Eggs, nuts, quark, or seeds are ideal sources of protein. You will notice that with a balanced breakfast you will start the day with much more energy! In general, you should make sure you eat a balanced diet and take enough vitamins in the form of fruit and vegetables.
4. Stay hydrated
Sufficient fluid during the day is the key. Water ensures that metabolic processes function perfectly. This improves your performance and gives you more energy. In addition, sufficient hydration supports your concentration and prevents headaches. A nice side effect is that you do not get hungry as quickly. If you drink a glass of water before every meal, you will automatically eat less.
5. Out into the fresh air!
Get outside! Exercise in the fresh air ensures that the cardiovascular system can pump more blood through the body. This supplies the brain with sufficient oxygen and increases its performance. The light also provides you with vitamin D, which strengthens our immune system. Light is absorbed through the skin, so you should let the sun shine on your arms or face if the temperatures allow it. But that's not the only way we humans benefit from sunlight and fresh air. Whether it's just a short walk or a long jog, even just a few minutes of fresh air can support your immune system and suppress spring fatigue. Our mental health also benefits from a walk outside. Taking time out in nature helps us to clear our heads.
Our tips for you: pack a few tasty snacks, grab your picnic blanket, and you are ready for a lovely Sunday picnic in the park. Daylight, fresh air, and a well-balanced meal all in one – now nothing stands in the way of you combating spring fatigue and getting a good night's sleep.
Photo credits:
Erik Jan Leusink /
Wes Hicks /
Seth Doyle /
Joseph Gonzalez /